Admitting You Were Wrong Can Make You Look Smarter and More Likable
In a society that often values certainty and being right, admitting to being wrong can be a hard thing to do. But according to recent research, it might be worth reconsidering.
A study found that when someone admits they were wrong, they are not seen as less competent. In fact, people consider them to be smarter, more communal, and friendly.
Psychology expert Scott Shigeoka notes that highly successful and likable people are often the ones who are unafraid to say, “I was wrong.” Here’s what good “admitters” do:
## They Prioritize Learning and Growth
When you reframe learning as winning, you move towards understanding rather than tallying up the times when you’ve been right or wrong. A study by psychologists Carol Dweck and Karina Schumann supports this, finding that we’re more likely to take responsibility for our mistakes if we believe we have the power to change our behavior.
The key is to remind yourself that even though your behavior was wrong, you can change it in the future. And just because you are admitting wrongdoing, that doesn’t mean you are saying you’re a bad person.
## They Ask for More Information
When someone tells you that you’re wrong, instead of immediately jumping to the defensive, get curious about why they’re saying that to you. Respond with “Can you tell me more?” and really listen to what they have to say.
Not only does this make you more receptive to feedback and the other person’s thoughts, but it also has the potential to expand the way you think about a topic or issue.
## They Remember that Humans are Wired for Forgiveness
When we admit that we’re wrong, not only will we be seen as stronger and friendlier, it’s very likely that we will also be forgiven for our transgressions. A study by psychologist Molly Crockett revealed that humans have a basic predisposition toward forgiving others, even strangers.
When we admit our mistakes, we create more potential to preserve or repair the most important connections in your life. And this, in turn, can lead to a happier and more positive life.
Scott Shigeoka is a curiosity and psychology expert, known for translating research into strategies that promote positive well-being and connected relationships around the globe. He has given talks at Pixar, IDEO, Airbnb, Google, and universities around the world, and offers courses at the University of Texas at Austin.
So, whether you’re in a personal or professional setting, consider the benefits of admitting when you’re wrong. It could be the key to winning over others and fostering stronger and more meaningful connections in your life. Remember, sometimes saying “I was wrong” can be more powerful than always trying to be right.

I have been featured in numerous publications, both online and offline, and am a regular speaker at industry events. I am also the founder of Crypto University, an online educational platform that helps people learn about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. In addition to my writing and teaching career, I am also an active investor in the cryptocurrency space. I have made investments in some of the leading projects in the space, and my portfolio has outperformed the market by a wide margin