Home Blockchain News Ignore passive-aggressive emails, advises expert in communication

Ignore passive-aggressive emails, advises expert in communication

by Michael Stark

Passive-Aggressive Work Emails and How to Handle Them

Receiving a passive-aggressive work email can be annoying, to say the least. It’s easy to feel frustrated and want to respond in kind, but executive coach Susan Room advises against it. In fact, in many scenarios, the best option may be not to respond at all, says the communication expert.

Emails are efficient but often not the most effective form of communication, especially when dealing with negativity. According to Room, the goal is to maintain a positive and productive working relationship, rather than win an argument.

The 10 Most Passive-Aggressive Email Phrases

One of the first steps in handling passive-aggressive work emails is to be able to recognize them. According to a report published by telecommunications provider TollFreeForwarding.com, some common phrases serve as red flags. These include “Please advise,” “Kind regards,” “Friendly reminder,” and “I look forward to hearing from you,” among others. While these may not be blatantly aggressive, they can carry a condescending undertone.

How to Have a ‘Win-Win Conversation’

It can be difficult to discern someone’s tone through email, making it crucial to follow up in person or via a phone call. Room suggests avoiding conflict and using your voice to address any issues constructively. If a face-to-face conversation is not possible, and you need to send a follow-up email, it’s important to remain calm and clear, using ‘I’ statements to express your feelings. Room emphasizes the need to address the issue while setting a professional and respectful tone for future communications.

Lastly, it’s crucial to recognize when to let things go and not to respond at all. While addressing passive-aggressive behavior is important, sometimes choosing not to engage may be the best course of action. The key, according to Room, is to evaluate if a response is truly necessary.


The challenging part of dealing with passive-aggressive work emails is acknowledging that while the intended tone may be negative, the response does not have to be. Room’s advice underscores the need to maintain a productive work environment by handling these situations thoughtfully and respectfully. Her tips aim to promote open communication, ensure professional relationships, and create a safe and productive work environment.

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