Home Crypto News Jenny Johnson from Franklin Templeton discusses Bitcoin ETFs, crypto investments, and her firm’s use of blockchain technology

Jenny Johnson from Franklin Templeton discusses Bitcoin ETFs, crypto investments, and her firm’s use of blockchain technology

by Michael Stark

Franklin Templeton CEO Jenny Johnson Talks Future of Global Financial Markets: Fortune Global Forum 2023

Nov. 27–29 – Abu Dhabi
Fortune Global Forum is an event where CEOs and other representatives of big corporations have a chance to sit down and talk about their perspectives on some of the world’s most pressing issues. This year, Jenny Johnson, the President and CEO of Franklin Templeton, had the opportunity to take center stage. Franklin Templeton has managed to grow from a small brokerage in 1947 to a global giant with over $1.3 trillion in assets under management. Johnson’s talk was a serious case of food for thought for those attending the event.

The Firm and Blockchain
Franklin Templeton has been known for its partiality to emerging technologies, especially blockchain. It has filed an application for a Bitcoin ETF – a move that many analysts believe will significantly shape cryptocurrency’s future.

Blockchain’s Role
Johnson’s thoughts on blockchain’s potential were particularly intriguing. According to her, blockchain will play a central role in her firm’s long-term success and the democratization of markets. Whereas ETFs usually trade all day but only price twice a day, blockchain, due to atomic settlement, will remove fraud, reduce latency and allow for almost immediate settlement.

Johnson’s Interest
The President’s connection to this new technology isn’t accidental either. She emphasized how she had been involved in various technological trends, via her work at Franklin Templeton, which also explains why she has some personal investments in cryptocurrencies.

Future Plans
Franklin Templeton’s exploration of NFTs, and the firm’s goal to expand into the tokenization of other funds in the future, Johnson added during her talk indicates the firm’s continuous willingness to invest in innovative technology.

The Big Question
Naturally, the most compelling question that lingers in the air is when the Bitcoin spot ETF will be approved. Johnson thinks that the power to decide lies with the regulators, but that market demand will likely make it happen soon.

Source: Fortune.com

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